While you go for an MBA most of the times they ask for your resume which may consist of the crux of your educational qualifications and some of the general information but in SOP scores that you got in your MBA entrance exam, resume, past qualifications, some things that you would like to recommend for the betterment etc. are all included.
Most of the people have a confusion. They always wonder Why MBA essay? Well the purpose of SOP is to actually get to know the candidate a bit deeper. Through the SOP the adcom officer wants to get the answer of few questions such as past educational background, accomplishments of the professional life, about the career goals, what is the need for a master’s degree in MBA, what did you see In our university that provokes you to apply for the course These questions clear up the whole funnel and the adcom officer truly knows why they should allow you to sit in the MBA’s class curriculum.
How to write a statement of purpose essay?
The first thing that you need to remember is that this is not your school class test where you have to be completely formal with your answers. Make sure you don’t write things which are completely opposite from the resume that you have already handed over to the officers. Otherwise in some institutes or universities they even cancel your selection process. Make sure you write things that are related to your actual resume. The thing you need to remember here is that this is not your resume test so avoid writing the exact same lines that you have mentioned in your resume.
There are basically two types of people when it comes to writing professional essays. The ones who write too much of themselves and the others who take everything too formally and finish their answers formally in one line. Both the approaches are wrong. You should be writing answers which makes sense and are interesting in reading Moreover it should give a better look about your approach for the SOP essay.
Some universities mention the questions they want the answers of while others just leave you with a space of paper and expect you to write about yourself what you want to write. Speaking of the word limit, yes there can be word limit in some universities but not all universities mention the word limit necessarily.
SOP is another kind of MBA Consulting where you are evaluated on deeper and more sophisticated grounds. So better write your SOP essay carefully.
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